Tag Archives: advice

Marcos Forming New Hip Hop Band, New Full Length LP on The Way

23 Mar

ImageWith The Circus House’s momentum, The Beat Shop and a host of other production and recording projects it’s hard to believe that Marcos would be able to fit anything else onto his already full plate.  But the truth is that the artist (or the Leo) in Marcos has been itching to get some new material out for some time.  “I’ve wanted to get some new solo music out since we started TBA.  The original intention of that project was that we would perform and promote it like an album and a group.  The Denver move and the lack of artist availability made it near impossible so eventually we moved on”.  Said Marcos Garibay about his creative itch.   The Circus House was the project that followed TBA.   Although Marcos wasn’t an artist or producer on the project it still kept him very busy via live performances, promotion and booking.  “It was a bit weird at the start of Circus House.  Not being a part of the music was an interesting experience but that was quickly overshadowed by the bigger picture.  It’s still Blackout and it’s still something that my name is attached to so it’s a priority to make it successful.”  said Marcos on The Circus House and his involvement.  

ImageAnd anyone who is a keen on Denver’s night life should be able to tell you that The Circus House is definitely something The Garibay brother take very serious.  “The Circus House is like The Blackout Beat’s N.E.R.D.,  its a way for us to show artists what we can do for them as well as make new fans for our production and music.  It’s also an extension of me and the artists on it.  I get a lot of artistic satisfaction from this project”  Said Armando Garibay on his brainchild, The Circus House.  “Its amazing how quick things started happening with the live show.  Things just really took off, and don’t get me wrong, that’s a good problem to have.   We are finally at a point now where we can sit still for a minute and really look at what works, what doesn’t and figure out the best ways to make the show a complete experience that is like nothing else out there.”  Said Marcos Garibay.  “And the more I thought about what Armando said about how The Circus House is a way for us to show artists what we can do for them, I thought that eventually we need to reach other audiences, with other genres of music that we do well.”  That time is now.

As Armando and Marcos prepare for “The Circus Retreat”, a short break from performing that will allow them to revamp the Circus House Show, Marcos has begun making some major moves that will lay the foundation for the second half of 2012.  In addition to the (spoiler alert) brand new recording studio, Marcos will head a brand new Blackout Beat group that will function as a performing band.  The almost nearly completed group consists of Marcos, R&B singer Emmett Collins, Female Rapper AC and a female singer and male rapper that will be announced in the next week.  The group will begin work on a full length album, as well as solo EP’s for the individual members.  The sound of the album is something that is being discussed right now.  “There are a lot of elements I’d like to put into the pot but I want to be very careful to not let the sound be to diverse.. I think TBA and Circus are as strong as they are because there is a sense of continuity.  But count on some of the drums and sounds that I’m known for to be there, just leveled up a bit.”  Said Marcos Garibay

Stay tuned for more info on this project as its developing quickly.  Also, next week we will feature an exclusive interview with Armando Garibay on all things Circus House.  

(see next blog for more on studio)

-B. Rossin